Sonntag, 25. November 2012

When dreams come true...

      One day, I was really sad because of my ugly short achromotrichial hair.
     I even cried and dreamed of long blue hair. But I was sure I would never get beautiful blue hair like I dreamed.                                      
    Suddenly, my brother threw a sweater into my room and it landed softly on my head. When I looked in the mirrow, I was really surprised. This sweater looked so wonderful on my head. It felt like real hair.
                                 Then I had a lot of fun with it and I took some photos.
                                             My new hairstyle made me really happy.
       But then I remembered my dreams again.. I wanted LONG blue hair...
                                                            Then I became angry.
                But a few minutes ago, I stopped being furious & had a good idea.
       I shook my head, so the sweater fell down over my shoulder. Now I had long blue hair & I was   really happy.

   Thanks to Maggie for her inspiration. ---> I hope you understand my bad english and you're not angry. xx

6 Kommentare:

  1. Hei du hast dich bei der Rubrik gegenseitiges folgen gemeldet, doch leider hast du kein Follower Gadget. Sag mir Bescheid wenn du es eingebaut hast :)

  2. Danke für dein Kommentar auf meinem Blog

    Vielleicht willst du ja ein Follower von mir werden würde ebenfalls einer von dir dann werden :-)

  3. Das ist ja wohl mal ne megacoole Fotostory!
    So sweet and so funny!

  4. Thank for visiting my blog! and I liked those first two pictures on this post. I thought it was really cool how you did your eyes like that. You could tons of cool pics like that! and for what i could see I like your hair! and one day it will grow and you can dye it blue! that would be cool!
